Home > Artworks > Carlita Shaw Montross

Photo of Carlita Shaw Montross United States

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Carlita is originally from the UK, her art is influenced by other fields of her work as an Environmental Biologist, Advocacy Journalist, Radio Show Host and Qigong Practitioner. She also develops Sustainability & Indigenous Human Rights Projects for indigenous people of Central and South America. Carlita is extensively traveled, she has just moved to California from...

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Photo of Carlita Shaw Montross United States

Carlita is originally from the UK, her art is influenced by other fields of her work as an Environmental Biologist, Advocacy Journalist, Radio Show Host and Qigong Practitioner. She also develops Sustainability & Indigenous Human Rights Projects for indigenous people of Central and South America. Carlita is extensively traveled, she has just moved to California from the Guatemalan Highlands where she lived for the last four years. At a time capitalistic imperialism is manufacturing a global monoculture therefore bleaching out ancient indigenous cultures, Carlita believes it is important to work towards the preservation of indigenous people, their languages and their ancestry, this is a passion deeply reflected in her art work. Carlita has founded several international organizations dedicated to Sustainability & Environmental Education Projects in Central and South America. She is committed to working in the field of Ecological & Humanitarian Sustainability, Wildlife Conservation, Art & the Internal Healing Arts. Visit her ecology project work at http://www.evolvetoecology.org and listen to her radio show at http://sailingbeyondknowledge.podomatic.com

Spanish Translation

Carlita es originario del Reino Unido, su arte está influido por otros campos de su trabajo como biólogo ambiental, Periodista de promoción, Radio Show Host y practicante de Qigong. También desarrolla proyectos de sostenibilidad e Indígenas de Derechos Humanos para los pueblos indígenas de América Central y del Sur. Carlita es viajado, que acaba de mudarse a California desde las tierras altas de Guatemala, donde vivió durante los últimos cuatro años. En un momento en el imperialismo capitalista es la fabricación de una sola cultura mundial tanto blanqueo de antiguas culturas indígenas, Carlita cree que es importante trabajar para la conservación de las poblaciones indígenas, sus idiomas y sus orígenes, esta es una pasión profundamente refleja en su obra de arte. Carlita ha fundado varias organizaciones internacionales dedicadas a la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente y proyectos de educación en América Central y del Sur. Ella está comprometida a trabajar en el ámbito de la sostenibilidad ecológica y humanitaria, Conservación de la Fauna, Arte y las Artes de Sanación Interior. Visite su trabajo en proyectos ecología en http://www.evolvetoecology.org y escuchar su programa de radio en http://sailingbeyondknowledge.podomatic.com

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